Stress is a normal aspect of life, from little difficulties to massive emergencies. And, as you can not always control your situation that puts you under stress, you can always control how you react to them.
The body’s reaction to a problem or situation is called stress. Everyone feels stress, that is induced by a variety of situations ranging from little inconveniences to big life upheavals such as divorce or any mishappening or job loss, etc.
Physical components of the stress reaction include raised blood pressure and heart rate, ideas, and thoughts about the stressful experience, and emotions like fear and wrath. Although we frequently associate stress with unpleasant events, it may also result from positive developments in your life, such as receiving a job promotion or buying a new car, etc.
When stress develops into the severe or persistent stage, it can have a negative impact on your health. That is why it is essential to relieving stress so that you can soothe both your mind & body.
As a result, stress relief options are essential to choosing the ideal plan for your present situation.
The Effects of Stress on the Body
When individuals remark, “I am so stressed,” it is because they are feeling the consequences of stress that is hampering their mind & body. Stress may affect almost every organ in the body because stress chemicals in the body cause the “fight or flight” reaction. Adrenaline & cortisol increases your heartbeat; your breathing quickens, and muscles tense.
Stress can result in:
- Headaches
- Depression
- Heartburn
- Insomnia
- Breathing quickly
- Immune system deficiency
- Higher blood sugar levels
- Blood pressure (high).
- Stomach issues
- Infertility
How to reduce stress and anxiety
1. Manage eating and drinking habits
People try to relieve stress by consuming alcohol or overeating. These acts may appear to be beneficial in the short term, but they may actually increase stress in the longterm. Caffeine is also responsible to amplify the symptoms of stress. A healthy and balanced diet that includes low fat, less spices can help you cope with stress. This help in relieving stress and anxiety for sure in very less time.
2. Exercise daily
Exercise is a potent stress reliever in apart from having the physical health advantages. Exercise like weight lifting, strength training, or movement exercises such as yoga and martial arts, helps in establishing realistic objectives for yourself. On other hand aerobic exercise are helpful in releasing endorphins, which are natural compounds that assist you in feeling better and stay cheerful. This is indeed one of the best ways to relieve stress and everyone should focus on them.
3. Do meditation for relaxation
Meditation aids in stress management and protects the body from the impacts of stress. Actions like taking a deep breath, visualisation, gradual muscular relaxation, meditation are some of the strategies by which you can release stress. There are several mobile applications that give instructions on how to learn these techniques. You can also refer to a dedicated YouTube channel that will teach you the ways and benefits of meditation.
4. Take proper sleep
Everyone is aware that stress may induce insomnia. Unfortunately, not taking proper sleep is a major source of stress. It is a vicious cycle that impacts the brain & body due to which the situation goes out of control and worsens over time.
Make sure you take atleast seven hours of sleep every night without any distraction. Sleeping hours may also be different that are advised by your doctor.
Dim the lights, Turn off mobile & television early, and allow yourself time to unwind before you go to bed. It is the potential stress reliever on our list.
5. Get rid of triggers of stress
If you’re like other people, then you may have too many requests/demands and not enough time. These are mostly demands that we have made for ourselves. You may free up resources and time by exercising time-management skills such as asking for help when necessary, pacing oneself, setting priorities, and scheduling time for self-care.
6. Ignore unimportant things.
It’s absolutely okay to admit that you can’t be perfect at somethings. Consider and focus on the things and aims that you can control & accept the ones you can’t.
7. Takeout time for your hobbies
You must make time for activities that you like. Always do something that increases your knowledge and makes you feel happy. It helps in reducing stress. Even if the activity is a short term like 15 to 20 minutes then it would suffice.
Stress is an inescapable part of our life now a days, but it does not have to be ignored. Too much-unmanaged stress can lead to significant physical & mental health issues.