Neck pain basically starts from the neck down towards the arms. Neck pain can occur from various diseases or disorders that require any tissues in muscles, ligaments, joints, bones, nerves, or neck. There are 7 bones in the cervical spine which are split with the help of intervertebral discs from one another. The disc permits the free movement of the spine. As age rises, problems related to the body also arise. The most common problem that arises is neck pain after the 40s. If the regular painkiller medicines are not working, go for the neck pain doctor in Jaipur. They will consider the posture, work pattern, and lifestyle of the patient. If the patient is only suffering from neck pain and no radiating symptom, then the neck pain doctor in Jaipur checks the patient’s social history; after that, they will find out the problem. The neck pain treatments include neck immobilization, Treatment of conservative neck pain, Treatment of non-surgical neck pain, and additional treatment for conservative neck pain.
Causes of Neck Pain
The leading causes of neck pain are trauma, strain, muscle inflammation, spinal cord narrowing, disc degeneration, or arthritis. In some, cases neck pain can be a sign of meningitis or cancer. If there is a severe neck problem, you can consult the neck pain doctor in Jaipur or any specialist like a neurosurgeon. He will prescribe you the correct diagnosis and treatment. Poor posture, injury, age, or any disease like arthritis may cause joints or bones to degenerate of the cervical spine that can cause vertebral injury, blood vessel destruction, whiplash, and disc herniation. Bone spurs or herniated discs might cause the spinal cord to narrow down or small openings from which by putting pressure on nerves or spinal cord the spinal nerve roots exit.
The pressure on the spinal cord can cause a severe problem as all the nerves have to pass through the rest of the body to reach the final destination. By this, many vital organs, functions are potentially compromised. The pressure on the nerve causes weakness, pain, or numbness to the arm’s area where nerves supplies.
Symptoms of Neck Pain and its Testing and Diagnosis by the Neck Pain Doctor in Jaipur
The pressure on the spinal cord or nerve root by a bone spur or herniated disc causes:-
- Weakness in legs or arms
- Difficulty with walking and balance
- Tingling in hand or fingers
- Weakness or numbness in forearm or arm
- Pain in the arm
A neck pain doctor diagnoses Jaipur based on the symptoms, medical history, and physical examination of the patient. Some of the patients can go through various tests and medications that include:-
- X-rays
- The selective nerve root block
- Myelogram
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Nerve conduction studies
- Electromyography
- Discography
- Computed tomography scan
Treatments of Neck Pain
After many studies, neck pain doctors in Jaipur diagnose you and check what type of problem you are having in your neck and treat you according to that. Five treatments of neck pain by doctors in Jaipur are:-
- Physical Therapy:- In physical therapy, specific treatments include exercises, therapeutic massage, and ultrasound treatments for improving the range of flexibility, motion, and strength in your shoulders and neck.
- Facet Joint Injections:- It acts as an adapter between the spine bones. The bones in the cervical spine permit your neck to twist and curve. The nerve roots pass through facet joints when they proceed towards your arms, head, or other areas from the spinal cord.
- Epidural Steroid Injections:- It alleviates pain in the arms, shoulders, and neck generated by compressed nerves. They are conveyed to the epidural space adjoining your spinal cord at the irritated and inflamed areas of nerves. Epidural steroid injections carry steroids to lessen inflammation & a soporific that blocks the nerve signals from transferring the message of pain towards your pain.
- Spinal Cord Stimulation:- It is proven that spinal cord stimulation is drug-free pain relief. It will not create any discomfort and blocks sore signals of nerves with a supervised electrical current. In recent years spinal cord stimulation has gone through notable improvements.
- Cervical Radiofrequency Ablation:- Cervical radiofrequency ablation is a reasonably pain-free treatment. In this treatment, heat is fabricated with the help of radio waves to prevent nerves signals related to pain from reaching the brain. This is not a permanent solution to the problem, but you will get relief from pain for a long time.
The main thing you have to keep in mind is that you must be careful when selecting a doctor. The doctor’s fees should fit your budget to get the correct treatment. It is essential to check the charges to avoid getting waste on expensive services when you visit the neck pain doctor in Jaipur.