The brain and spine are the organs that control almost all the functioning of a human body. Unfortunately, there are several illnesses of the brain and spine, because of which many people have to suffer all around the world. Moreover, brain and spine diseases can vary from mild to severe, like language and speech disorders to tumors. Therefore, any matters related to the neurological system must not be taken lightly, and getting regular check-ups at a brain and spine hospital is essential.
The Max Institute of Neurosciences delivers complete Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neurology services, according to evidence-based protocols set as per international policies. In addition, casualty care is available for quick control of Neurological emergencies like Stroke and Neuromuscular Weakness, Status Epilepticus, Meningitis, Encephalitis, other Neuro infectious diseases, and behavioral changes. Max Healthcare Institute, known for innovative and revolutionary clinical procedures, is among India’s best brain and spine hospitals.
The branch of medicine that is concerned with the treatment of the brain and spine is called Neurology. The nervous system is a complicated system having two major divisions:
- Central nervous system (brain and spine)
- Peripheral nervous system
A doctor specializing in neurology is called a neurologist. They treat ailments concerning the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, like
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Demyelinating diseases (multiple sclerosis)
- Headache disorders
- Brain Infections and peripheral nervous system
- Movement disorders (Parkinson’s disease)
- Neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, and Lou Gehrig’s disease)
- Seizure disorders
- Spinal cord disorders
- Speech and language disorders
Neurologists do not perform surgery on the patients. Neurosurgeons are the ones who conduct surgeries. The brain and spine hospital of Max Healthcare Institute has four Departments: The Department of Neurology and Stroke, the Department of Neurosurgery and Spine, Rehabilitation Services and Behavioral Sciences, and the Department of Neurocritical Care.
Department of Neurology and Stroke
This department has well-furnished ICU facilities and Electro Encephalogram (EEG) Monitoring for addressing critically ill patients. The team of specialists at the Max healthcare institute is available all the time for diagnosis, treatment, and managing of patients. Advanced diagnostic imaging modalities like 3T MRI and CT scan are available at the Max healthcare institute.
- Managing and treatment of Stroke and Intracranial Bleeds – Complete stroke care under one roof that includes mechanical thrombectomy, IV Thrombolysis, neurosurgical and neurocritical care expertise, and rehabilitation care
- Diagnosis of Seizure Disorders and Refractory
- Epilepsies
- The neurophysiology unit offers EMG, EEG, VEP, BERA, and RNST.
- Management of Peripheral Neuropathies, Neuromuscular Disorders, Headaches, and Chronic Pains
- Neuro Rehabilitation inclusive of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy for all cases of Neuromuscular and Post-Stroke
- Management of Dementia that includes Alzheimer’s disease
- Treatment of Movement Ailments like Parkinson’s disease, Tremors, Rigidity, Choreas, and Tic Disorder
Department of Neurosurgery and Spine
Neurosurgery treats diseases of the Spinal Cord, Brain, Nerves. Cranio Spinal Trauma, Brain Tumors, Arteriovenous Malformation, Hydrocephalus, Brain Abscess, Intracranial Aneurysms, etc. If not diagnosed or treated appropriately and on time, these illnesses may cause disability and even death. Max Institute of Neurosciences has a team of devoted, highly skilled, and professional Neuroanaesthetists, Neurosurgeons, Intensive Care Specialists, and other technical support staff. The department has all the latest tools for carrying out Neurosurgical surgeries precisely and successfully.
- Head and Spinal trauma
- Micro Surgical Excision of Tumors in Brain
- Clipping of Intracranial Aneurysms
- Excision of AVMs
- Trans Sphenoidal Endoscopic or Microscopic Pituitary Surgery
- Skull Base and Key Hole Surgery
- Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Endoscopic Cranial and Spine Surgery
- Treatment of the Hydrocephalus – Shunt
- Micro Discectomy of Lumbar and Cervical Disc
- Endoscopic Discectomy
- Craniovertebral Junction Surgery
- Cervical Disc Replacement
- Spinal Tumor Excision
- Corpectomy and Spinal Stabilisation (Pedicle Screw Fixation/Plates)
- Minimally Intrusive Spinal Surgery for Spondylolisthesis
- Kyphoplasty/Vertebroplasty
- Treatment of Spinal Injury
- Peripheral Nerve Injury Surgery
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery
Department of Interventional Neurology
The Department of Interventional delivers the solution to the most complicated brain diseases minimally. The team has professionals skilled in delicate and high-precision processes via the intra-arterial or intravenous way. As a result, it provides minimal trauma, fast recovery, and minimal difficulties after surgery. Max Institute of Neuroscience, Department of Interventional Neurology and Stroke, ensure the delivery of patient-centric assistance.
Max healthcare institute is a tertiary care center furnished with the best technology for brain and spine treatment. In addition, Max healthcare also delivers treatment for Neurological illnesses at the end-stage.
Many renowned neurologists and neurosurgeons; with specialization and expertise in the latest techniques are with the Max healthcare institute. Max healthcare institute is an ultimate destination for highly-precise neurological treatments.
Principles and righteousness are the codes on which the foundation of the Max Institute of Neurosciences is laid. The main focus of Max institute is to provide complete treatment at brain and spine hospitals. The Max healthcare institute is home to 2500+ outstanding doctors, most of whom are acknowledged in their fields.