Back pain can be very painful and can cause disturbance to your normal life. Back pain generally is divided into cervical pain, thoracic pain, lumbar back pain, and sacral pain and affects from the neck region to the tailbone of the spinal cord. The most common are the lumbar or lower back pain because this lower portion of the body supports the weight of the entire upper body. People seek numerous remedies and care to cure back pain. Neurotherapy is one such popular non-invasive therapy to cure back pain.
Neurotherapy or neuro biofeedback uses techniques to manipulate brain waves through electrical stimulation thereby controlling nervous system hypersensitivity that leads to pain [1].
Whenever we perform any activity our brain emits electrical signals in the form of waves. These signals are measured through an electroencephalograph. According to various researches, there are many brain waves frequencies. For example, Alpha waves are waves when the person is in a relaxed position. Beta waves are waves emitted when the person is interacting with the environment. Waves during day sleep, drowsiness times, etc. are theta waves. With the examination of brain waves pattern, Neurotherapy or electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback therapy came into existence. In this therapy, external electrical stimulation helps to control the hyperactive-impulsive behaviour of nerves. This has wide usage in treating ADHD patients. This has gained popularity in back pain treatment.
Thus, Neurotherapy makes use of electrical stimulation for treating back pain. In this therapy electrodes are placed near the affected area. These electrodes create a controlled electrical simulation feedback mechanism [1]. These electrodes placement is such that the electrical stimulation reaches nerve pathways thereby impacting pain. Hypersensitivity of the nerves causes pain. The electrical stimulation aims to control this hypersensitivity. This eases the pain. This Neurotherapy treatment is in the form of sessions and the number of sessions varies from patient to patient health condition.
A typical Neurotherapy session for back pain treatment comprises of the following:
- Examination of the patient’s condition and the area of pain.
- Lab tests and diagnostic test examination.
- Explanation of Neurotherapy treatment procedure to the patient.
- The patient lies face down on the examination bench.
- At least 10 electrodes are placed on the affected area of the pain. The insertion of these electrodes can be a little uncomfortable to some patients.
- The physician then creates bearable electrical stimulation. Stimulation is a sense of deep tingling sensation in the areas near the electrodes. A session is of 30 minutes. After the session, the patient can go back to normal work.
Generally, multiple sessions are essential to treat back pain. Thus, for effective results, there is a need for 3 to 4 such Neurotherapy sessions [1]. But the number of sessions and the time of therapy vary from patient to patient health condition.
In some patients with complex spinal pain problems, Neurotherapy may be used in combination with other therapies. Otherwise, this therapy can be used solely to treat back pain.
Getting relief from back pain is the biggest benefit of Neurotherapy. But apart from it, many patients undergoing Neurotherapy reported the following benefits:
- Highly effective in treating chronic back pain. Neurotherapy has a great and lasting response in treating chronic pains. According to the research upon patients with chronic back pain undergoing Neurotherapy, the treatment was highly effective and there was the reduction of pain that was persistent for 6 to 12 months [1].
- The therapy is useful in increasing physical activity as the body feels relaxed.
- Neurotherapy decreases the need of taking medicines for pain treatment [3]. But again the need may vary from patient to patient.
- It helps in enhancing the quality of sleep due to the relaxation of the mind [3].
- The Neurotherapy session helps in lowering the levels of the disability[3].
- It enhances coordination and impulsive behavior in ADHD patients [2].
Due to its numerous benefits many patients prefer to undergo Neurotherapy. To date, there are no reports on severe side effects of the Neurotherapy.
Finally, with information on the safety profile of the Neurotherapy treatment, and its effectiveness in treating chronic back pain, it makes it the best alternative therapy for treating back pain. At GoPT India you get the Neurotherapy sessions through our expert and skilled health professionals. We take in the best care to ensure that the Neurotherapy sessions are painless and comfortable for our patients. The experts make you relax and ensure that you get the maximum benefit from the therapy. Book your online appointment with the best Neurotherapy centre in Noida/NCR.
- Mayaud, L., Wu, H., Barthélemy, Q., Favennec, P., Delpierre, Y., Congedo, M., Dupeyron, A. and Ritz, M., 2019. Alpha-phase synchrony EEG training for multi-resistant chronic low back pain patients: an open-label pilot study. European Spine Journal, 28(11), pp.2487-2501.
- Patel, K., Sutherland, H., Henshaw, J., Taylor, J.R., Brown, C.A., Casson, A.J., Trujillo‐Barreton, N.J., Jones, A.K., and Sivan, M., 2020. Effects of neurofeedback in the management of chronic pain: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of clinical trials. European Journal of Pain, 24(8), pp.1440-1457.
- Seroussi R, Gliner BE, Steinintz E, Schmitt S, Gamburd R, Firlik AD. Effectiveness of Percutaneous Neuromodulation Therapy (PNT) for Patients with Chronic and Severe Low Back Pain Study. Pending publication.