A dental emergency can occur in people of all ages at any time. It is vital to get proper treatment on time in case of a dental emergency. If you get the appropriate treatment for the dental problem at the right time, you can prevent further oral health complications. But, sometimes, it becomes difficult to know whether it’s a dental emergency or just a minor ache. Consequently, people delay in visiting the dentist to treat dental issues. But, don’t worry. We have got you covered!
Here we are explaining the indications of a dental emergency. When you or your loved one notices such signs, it is advised to immediately approach the nearest dental clinic. Have a look at the most common dental emergencies and act immediately to prevent oral health complications.
#1. Severe toothache
When you have a persistent toothache, you shouldn’t take it lightly. For minor toothaches, you can opt for home remedies but not for severe ones. It might be because of severe infection in the pulp or the inflammation of the tissue. The treatment of the toothache depends on the underlying cause. Therefore, without any further delay, take a cab to the clinic and consult your dentist immediately.
#2. Bleeding gums
Sometimes you may notice minor bleeding when you floss. But, access and recurring gum bleeding are the signs to seek for emergency dental care. Especially if you feel pain or swelling with bleeding gums, it’s time to visit your dentist. Untreated gums can damage the teeth and jawbones. So, never ignore bleeding gums (which is the first sign of gum disease).
#3. Wiggly tooth
Wiggly or loose teeth are not common in adults. When you feel a loose tooth, you must find its underlying cause to get the proper treatment. Otherwise, it may result in tooth loss. The common reason for wiggly tooth includes infection, injury, or trauma. In short, wiggle teeth need immediate attention to prevent tooth loss or other dental complications.
#4. Swollen jaw
Swelling on the jaw indicates a severe sign of infection. When you are experiencing a swollen jaw, along with a bad taste in your mouth or bad breath, you should seek emergency dental care. The swelling can be due to salivary gland infection, trauma, or any other type of infection in the mouth that needs to be treated as soon as possible.
#5. Dental abscess
When you notice signs of a dental abscess, the first thing you should do is schedule an appointment with your dentist. An abscessed tooth is usually painful and highly infectious that is caused due to untreated cavity, trauma, or severe gum disease. Typically, an abscessed tooth will require surgical treatment to drain out the infection. Consult your dentist, who will guide you through the procedure. If not treated on time, a dental abscess can create severe dental complications. So, whenever you notice any symptoms related to a dental abscess, call your dentist right away.
#6. Numb tooth
A numb tooth is an indication of a severe dental issue. If you are experiencing pain in your tooth and suddenly, after some time, you lose the sense in that area, it could be a sign that the infection has spread to the root of your tooth. This can be because of nerve damage or severe dental issues, which should not be overlooked. Thus, seek immediate medical attention while having a numb tooth, and stop further damage to the nerve and tooth.
In a nutshell, the common signs of dental emergence include;
- Oral swelling
- Toothache
- Tooth damage or injury
- Adult tooth loss
- Jaw popping
- Oral bleeding
Additionally, when you feel discomfort with your oral health, do not wait to see a dentist. Early dental care can prevent much severe damage to your oral health. People usually pick home remedies when they have dental issues. However, it is important to address the dental emergency and treat it appropriately. Most dental emergencies do not produce severe symptoms if treated in their early stage. So, never overlook a dental issue and visit your dentist. The earlier it is, the better it will be, especially with dental emergencies.
Also Read:- Emergency Dental Care
Treat the dental problem in the early stage, visit your dentist as soon as possible, prevent further complications, and keep your oral health in good shape.