That The Mission Of The Christian Teacher Begins In The Unity Of His Life.”
In “Teacher and Christian, a vocation”, Professor Xavier Dufour enlightens and encourages the beautiful mission of the Christian educator. He answers Aleteia’s questions.
Xavier Dufour teaches mathematics, philosophy and religious culture with the Marists in Lyon. He runs summer sessions for teachers and has just published Teacher and Christian: The Mission Of The Christian Teacher Begins In The Unity Of His Life.” a Vocation (Éditions de Emmanuel, 2021), a book aimed at all teachers who want to unify their faith and professional practice. For him, “the Christian teacher has real freedom if he is willing to assume it”.The Mission Of The Christian Teacher Begins In The Unity Of His Life.”
Aleteia: Why did you write this book?
Xavier Dufour: As an extension of my commitments with the Marists and in the Communion of Christian Educators movement, I wanted to gather my reflections to encourage new vocations of Christian teachers. My book offers the main anthropological and spiritual benchmarks to shed light on this mission, through the issues of education, the relationship of authority, the pedagogical concern, the spiritual meaning of studies, religious culture, the virtue of hope thus than the particular situations of the Christian in public and the denominational private. But this book also aims to sensitize priests, bishops and community leaders to this essential and underestimated mission field that is the school.
How can the teacher unify Christian life and professional duty?
So, Above all, by realizing the immense dignity of her profession, which, according to Edith Stein, consists of a “participation in the work of creation”. It is a question of leading each student to the threshold of his interior life, this source place from which he can grow in freedom, find the meaning of his life and perhaps meet God. The challenge is to tie together the three modalities of this mission in a single commitment: to teach, educate, and evangelize. This interpenetration is only possible if it is experienced teacher himself, in the unity of his spiritual, intellectual and moral life. Each discipline raises questions about the world and man. Teaching physics is nothing if it does not proceed from wonder in front of a nature steeped in intelligibility and in front of the human mind capable of deciphering its secrets.
Each discipline bears in one way or another an interrogation on the world and man. A physics teaching is nothing if it does not proceed from wonder in front of a nature steeped in intelligibility and in front of the human mind capable of deciphering its secrets. The Christian teacher thus suggests that there is an order of things and that this order is good. He lays the foundations for a higher questioning on the meaning of creation and human destiny, even in a secular context.
Why do you speak of a vocation of ordinary holiness?
Because the Christian teacher is lucky to be able to embody his vocation to holiness in the ordinary of the conditions of his profession, this ordinary, it is first of all in a particular place: for that, it is necessary to live this place resolutely, to spend time there, to listen to its pupils and colleagues, to be a force of proposals, etc. It is then in a duration: what is played out in teaching does not relate to the immediacy or the spectacular. We must stand firm, take root in hope, for education is a matter of slow germination, of fertility and not of efficiency. Finally, it is through the concrete personality of the teacher, his resources and his limits
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