If you’ve ever wondered, What is an impacted canine tooth? you’re not alone! Many of us have no idea what this phrase even means, and are therefore left to wonder if we should be concerned or not. Read on to learn what an impacted canine tooth is and what it means for your pet.
What Are The Signs Of An Impacted Canine?
Although many people might not know what an impacted canine is, we can all relate to toothaches. If you’re experiencing pain and discomfort in your mouth, it’s important to have your teeth checked by a professional. You could have a cavity or even an abscess if one of your teeth has started to decay or has broken down and become infected. But what about when it comes to impacted canine teeth? What are some of the signs that could indicate there’s something wrong with them? Are you experiencing any of these symptoms or have had these experiences before? Knowing how they develop will help you know how they should be treated. Here are some signs that you may have an impacted canine:
- The Painful Experience Of A Loose Tooth: One of the most common indications that you may have an impacted tooth is pain. If your loose tooth feels like it’s going to fall out at any moment, then chances are high that it probably is. Loose teeth tend to start wiggling around and feeling like they want to come out—and while they won’t actually do so until after they break off completely, having one wiggle around in your mouth isn’t pleasant at all! 2. Soreness In Your Jaw: Another sign that could mean you have an impacted tooth is soreness in your jaw area.
How Do You Fix An Impacted Canine Tooth?
This condition occurs when there is a lack of space in your mouth for a tooth to erupt or grow. It’s most common with your canine teeth. Impacted canines are also known as unerupted or hidden canines because they don’t have any root exposure in your gums. The signs and symptoms are different for each individual, but impacted teeth often cause mild to moderate pain, tenderness and swelling of the gums around an emerging tooth. Your child might experience difficulty chewing food, especially if he has more than one impacted tooth. A dentist will want to examine his mouth before prescribing a treatment plan. If you think your child has an impacted canine, schedule an appointment immediately.
Why Do Humans Have Canine Teeth?
If humans didn’t have canine teeth, we’d look a lot different! Here’s why. The other four types of teeth—incisors, premolars, molars and wisdom teeth—are all about eating (at least for adults). However, humans don’t have chompers for consuming food. Instead, our canines serve a protective function: When we come across an object that could damage or hurt us (like broken glass), our upper canines are there to protect us. If you need another reason to love your dentist: According to at least one study , people with fewer dental problems may live longer than those who don’t take care of their chompers.
What Happens If You Leave An Impacted Canine Tooth?
You have several options for treating impacted canines teeth, depending on their size and location. If your child doesn’t mind having a hole in his or her smile, you can wait to extract it later. However, most children want to correct it as soon as possible, especially if they’re still young and growing. Depending on how large your child’s impacted tooth is and whether there are other teeth crowding it out of place, a general dentist may be able to remove it with traditional methods such as extraction forceps or rubber cups. If those methods don’t work, you may need to call in an oral surgeon because more drastic measures might be required to get all of your child’s teeth into place.