We figured it would probably take about 50 man-hours hemp cream so my partner devised a new little mechanism and was able to put a sprayer on the back of a three-wheeler and go up and down the rows and spray that way. That brings up another point because we spaced our rows eight feet wide so that we could drive a three or four-wheeler down without any problems.
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And get rid of the stalks and stems so that we can have a really nice homogeneous biomass that we can send to the extraction facility to have the oil extracted from these plants. Something that you’ll definitely want to consider before you decide to start farming hemp is the risk that’s involved. For instance, about a month ago we had a major major hailstorm that swept through the region. Hail the size of gumballs absolutely ravaged this field and many other fields around us. You can actually see some of the damage still on these leaves. The stems broke leaves and luckily it was about a month ago.
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So the plant had just started flowering and after the hailstorm. I think the plant gave all of this energy to producing the flowers. We were fortunate because we still have something to show. And it looks like this crop has not only survived but it’s thrived. But there are other farms in the region that lost everything. They had nothing. Sticks and stems are left in their fields. So you definitely want. To consider the risk that’s involved because there is a lot of risk in farming. And that’s why I’ve created a free pdf that is a hemp farming timeline and budget planner. So on this PDF it’ll go from January through December and I’ll tell you the things that you need to be doing each month during that month. It’ll also show you a per acre budget so that you can plan your financing hemp cream for your hemp farm. All you have to do to download that PDF for free is just click the link in the description, and that will take you to a page where you can download the hemp farming timeline and budget planner.
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What’s going on guys and welcome back to the channel. Today I’m going to be teaching you how to convert your CBD. Into thc with no solvent catalytic lewis acids or washing necessary in a drastically reduced time. This is going to be a neat conversion and I’m actually doing this because I had a client actually call me and ask me if I could do a video on this and I was like you know what, what a great idea we should teach people.
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To get rid of all of the nonsense and do it safer and more effectively, so we’ve got a little bit to cover today. Let’s go ahead and dive right on in to the content [Music] that’s right guys you heard me correctly convert your cbd into thc with no solvent or washing definitely like and subscribe to the channel turn on that bell button notification we do live streams every wednesday it’s going down and where else are you going to get all of this super valuable information for absolutely free well you’re going to get it here from grimm at wku consulting and let’s get into it right here converting.
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Two chemists will heat the CBD up to its melting point and dissolve in heptane. Three chemists. Then add five percent by weight of appropriate catalyst in most circumstances.
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To stabilize at a minor reflux and homogenize for two hours, chemists will perform liquid-to-liquid extraction washing procedures. To quench the reaction and control the pH. The chemists will then distill and sell you the thc through a federal farm bill hemp cream for pain relief loophole, but we’re about to shake up the entire industry right now, man, and I really just love that. But there is a better way.