Vaginal discharge plays a crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness of the female reproductive system. Glands within the vagina and cervix produce a fluid that effectively clears away dead cells and bacteria, thus ensuring the vagina stays clean and free from potential infections.
Usually, vaginal discharge is entirely normal, and it may vary in quantity, scent, and colour, depending on your menstrual cycle stage. For instance, during ovulation, breastfeeding, or when sexually aroused, you may notice increased discharge. Pregnancy or a lapse in personal hygiene can lead to different smells.
All of these changes are generally nothing to worry about. However, if you notice a significant difference in colour, smell, or consistency, especially when accompanied by vaginal itching or burning, you should take vaginal discharge treatment.
What causes abnormal vaginal discharge?
When the pH balance of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted, it can cause abnormal vaginal discharge. It can lead to changes in the smell, colour, or texture of the discharge. Several factors can disturb this balance:
● Antibiotic or steroid use: Taking antibiotics or steroids can disrupt the natural vaginal flora.
● Bacterial vaginosis: This is a bacterial infection that is more common in pregnant women or women with multiple sexual partners.
● Birth control pills: Some women may experience changes in their vaginal discharge while using birth control pills.
● Cervical cancer: In rare cases, cervical cancer can cause unusual vaginal discharge.
● Chlamydia or gonorrhoea (STDs): These sexually transmitted infections can lead to abnormal vaginal discharge.
● Diabetes: Poorly controlled diabetes may influence the vaginal environment and cause changes in discharge.
● Douches, scented soaps, or lotions: Using these products can disrupt the natural pH and bacterial balance of the vagina.
● Bubble bath: Bubble baths may irritate the vaginal area and result in abnormal discharge.
● Pelvic infection after surgery: Infections in the pelvic region following surgery can affect vaginal discharge.
● Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): PID is an infection of the female reproductive organs that can alter vaginal discharge.
● Trichomoniasis: This parasitic infection is typically contracted through unprotected sex and can cause unusual discharge.
● Vaginal atrophy: Vaginal atrophy, which occurs during menopause, involves the thinning and drying out of vaginal walls and can lead to changes in discharge.
● Vaginitis: Vaginitis, irritation in or around the vagina, can result in abnormal discharge.
● Yeast infections: Yeast infections can cause changes in vaginal discharge as well.
If you notice any unusual changes in your vaginal discharge, it’s essential to book an appointment with a gynaecologist for a proper evaluation and guidance.
How does a private gynaecologist in London diagnose abnormal vaginal discharge?
To diagnose abnormal vaginal discharge, your private gynaecologist begins by taking a health history and inquiring about your symptoms. They may ask questions like:
● When did the unusual discharge start?
● What colour is the discharge?
● Is there any odour?
● Do you experience itching, pain, or burning in or around the vagina?
● Are you sexually active with more than one partner?
● Do you use douching as a hygiene method?
Additionally, the gynaecologist may obtain a sample of the discharge or perform a Pap test (Smear test) to gather cells from your cervix for further examination.
Vaginal discharge treatment
The way we treat vaginal discharge depends on what’s causing it. For example, when dealing with a yeast infection, we commonly prescribe antifungal medications in the form of creams or gels that you apply inside the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis, on the other hand, is treated with antibiotic pills or creams. In the case of trichomoniasis, we usually prescribe drugs like metronidazole (Flagyl) or tinidazole (Tindamax).
To help prevent vaginal infections that can result in abnormal discharge, here are some valuable tips:
- Keep your vagina clean by washing the outside with gentle, mild soap and warm water. Avoid putting soap inside the vagina.
- Avoid scented soaps, feminine products, douches, feminine sprays, and bubble baths.
- Always wipe from front to back after using the bathroom to prevent bacteria from entering the vagina and causing infections.
- Opt for 100% cotton underwear and steer clear of overly tight clothing for added comfort and hygiene.
Final Verdict
If you’re experiencing unusual vaginal discharge, don’t worry! Seeking advice from a Top gynaecologist in London is your best move. Treatments for vaginal discharge can vary based on its cause. Usually, antifungal creams or antibiotics will help you treat infections like yeast or bacterial vaginosis. Your doctor will diagnose the issue and suggest the appropriate treatment.
Sometimes, maintaining good hygiene, wearing breathable underwear, and avoiding scented products can help prevent recurrence. Remember, it’s essential to consult a professional to ensure the ideal treatment.